Interested to learn more about Common CPR Statistics. That’s what we’ll discuss here today. Despite the widespread availability of CPR training courses and medical equipment like automated external defibrillators, statistics reveal that cardiac remains one of the biggest causes of death worldwide.
In this article, we will take a look at the most common CPR statistics and showcase some of the biggest reasons why the number of people dying from cardiac arrest continues to climb. By being aware of these statistics, you will be well acquainted with the factors that influence survival rates and be better prepared to save lives.
What are Some Common CPR Statistics and How Should You Use CPR?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency lifesaving procedure performed to restore a person’s heartbeat. A cardiac arrest entails the sudden loss of heart function. Consequently, the heart does not pump blood and is unable to support the rest of the body, including the brain and the lungs. CPR is crucial as death can happen in minutes without necessary treatment.
Here are some of the key points that you should know about CPR and falling into cardiac arrest:
- Using chest compressions, CPR mimics the way the heart pumps.
- Compressions stimulate blood flow through the body.
- Cardiac arrest is different from a heart attack.
A person in cardiac arrest is unconscious and cannot breathe, while a person experiencing a heart attack is conscious and able to communicate.
Why Performing CPR Timely Helps Get Better Numbers in Common CPR Statistics
Performing CPR is crucial but administering it timely plays a key role; the earlier CPR is performed, the better. Sources reveal that out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is time-sensitive, and immediate CPR and timely defibrillator use can have a favorable outcome, increasing the chances of survival.
The downside Post-cardiac arrest brain injury (PCABI) is regarded as the leading cause of death in patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest.
To illustrate this more clearly, below, we will lay out how long it takes for brain damage to occur:
- Up to 4 minutes – chances of survival are high as brain damage is not likely to occur.
- Between 4 to 6 minutes – considered the beginning of brain death.
- Between 6 to 10 minutes – the person is prone to issues following the resuscitation, brain damage is likely to occur.
- More than 10 minutes- chances of survival are very slim.
Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests (OHCAs)
The common CPR statistics you will read below are based on data gathered from the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC), 2005-2015, Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES), in conjunction with the 2022 update issued by the American Heart Association Heart and Stroke Statistics, including other relevant sources.
OHCA in Children
- According to the findings of a study published in the Public Medical Center (PUB), more than 20,000 children in the USA suffer cardiac arrest annually.
- Data analysis provided by the CARES, USA, 2020 shows that most pediatric cardiac arrests accounting for around 87%, occurred in the home.
OHCA in Adults
- Each year around 356,000 cardiac arrests are recorded in the USA.(AHA)
- 90% of cardiac arrests that happen outside of the hospital are fatal. (AHA)
- CARE’s research from 2020 shows that almost 47% of cardiac arrests in adults occurred in their homes.
- According to CARE’s data, around 98% of cardiac arrests were adults, while children accounted only for 2% of cardiac arrests.
In-Hospital Cardiac Arrests Common CPR Statistics
Looking deeper into Common CPR Statistics shows us research that reveals that cardiac causes (60%) and respiratory insufficiency (40%) are the two main causes of cardiac arrest.
One study revealed that almost 44% of adults who suffered an in-hospital cardiac arrest experienced a return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC); only 17% of those survived hospital discharge.
According to sources, adults who survived medical discharge witnessed better neurological outcomes compared to children.Children who were victims of in-hospital cardiac arrest had higher survival rates than adults.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Death in Sports As Part of Common CPR Statistics
While sudden cardiac arrest might seem impossible in healthy individuals like athletes, it’s not such an uncommon occurrence. It’s usually caused by heart abnormalities that are often inherited and remain undetected by athletes until it’s too late.
SCA and SCA in Athletes of All Ages
- According to reports from the National Collegiate Athletes Association (NCAA), 1 in 53, 703 athletes are at risk of suffering an SCA or SCD.(MPC)
- Statistically, black male basketball players are found to be at higher risk of being victims of sudden cardiac death. (MPC)
SCD and SCA in Young Athletes
- One study revealed that the most common cause of SCD in young athletes is a genetic condition, HCM, which occurs in 1 in 200 individuals.
- The second most common cause identified by this study was congenital coronary artery anomaly which accounted for around 17% of SCDs in young athletes.(MPC)
Bystander Response to OHCA
- Studies have found that for every minute without CPR while under cardiac arrest chances of survival decreased by 7-10%.(Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association)
- When bystander response is administered, the estimated percentage drops down to 3-4% per minute.(PMC)
- Further data suggests that the survival rate of people who experienced a cardiac arrest in public (27%) was higher compared to those who suffered one at home (13%).
- Data from CARES shows that in 2020 bystander CPR was administered in more than 37% of out–of–hospital cardiac arrests.
Common CPR Statistics Based on Race, Class, and Gender
- According to research, black people are at a higher risk of experiencing SCD than Caucasians; this is especially true for black women.(Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
- A 2018 study found that 45% of men received bystander CPR as opposed to 39% of women.(AHA Journal)
- Overall, men have a 23% higher survival rate.(AHA Journal)
Interpreting Common CPR Statistics
Common CPR Statistics provide readers with facts, however, when reading statistics, we should also take the time to interpret their meaning.In an effort to present readers with an overview, we listed some key points below:
- Chances of survival are greater for those who experience cardiac arrest outside their home.
- Bystander response can help increase the out-of-hospital survival rate.
- Genetic conditions and artery anomalies are the main causes of sudden cardiac death in athletes.
- Establishing effective resuscitation protocols and providing easy access to defibrillators where competitive sports take place can help reduce the risk of SCD in athletes.
How to Increase Cardiac Arrest Survival RateFor Common CPR Statistics
Some of the recommended strategies to improve cardiac arrest survival include increasing public awareness and providing people with the necessary training.
Experts also emphasize the need for investing in cardiac arrest research and making data available to the public in an attempt to foster the culture accordingly.Research shows that certain communities and hospitals have improved the cardiac arrest outcome; however, not all communities note success.
To facilitate informed decision-making within communities, access to CPR training is essential.
Where to Get Proper CPR Training
Being able to offer CPR is an essential part of the medical professionals’ training and public safety personnel. Learning how to administer first responder care to children and adults and acting accordingly in cardiac or breathing emergencies is highly regarded, as every second counts in emergencies.CPR classes and certifications approved and supported by the American Heart Association can beas part of our official website, where you gain access to all the relevant details.